We inform the online presenters of the LDK’21 main conference that it is mandatory to record your presentation and make it available for the LDK’21 organisation by 27 August 2021 (submission link to be sent by the organisers by email). The video should be in MP4 format with 16:9 screen relation, 720p resolution, a maximum size of 400Mb or 200Mb – for long and short papers respectively -, and a high volume and clear audio quality. Please double check your file before submitting it to make sure the audio is clear and audible. The duration of the video will be 20 minutes for long papers and 10 minutes for short papers. The name of your file should follow this pattern: LDK21-SESSION<sessionid>-<presenterlastname>.mp4. For instance, Dr Smith giving a talk during Session 2 will name the file as follows: “LDK21-SESSION2-Smith.mp4.
During the conference day, the presenter should be connected through Zoom at least 15 minutes before the session in which their presentation is taking place (connection details will be sent before the conference). After their video recording is played, questions from online participants as well as participants in the room should be answered live. Please have your presentation at hand in case you need to to share your screen and refer to any specific slide during the Q/A part. There will be a session chair moderating the session. Please address any doubt to him or her during the conference day, or to the local organisers prior to the conference day.
Tip: there are a number of easy to use applications to record your presentation. For instance:
- Using Zoom to Create Quick and Easy Screen Recordings: https://blog.smu.edu/itconnect/2017/08/23/using-zoom-create-quick-easy-screen-recordings-free/
- How to convert a PPT presentation into a video: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/turn-your-presentation-into-a-video-c140551f-cb37-4818-b5d4-3e30815c3e83
PHYSICAL oral presentations
Presenters in the physical modality are highly advised to prepare a video with their presentation, following the above guidelines, as a backup plan in case of any last-minute travelling issue caused by the pandemic.
In any case, for physical presenters, it is mandatory to send their presentation to the organisers in PDF format by 30 August. Notice that all the presentations will be run from the same computer, therefore, to avoid any compatibility/versioning issue, only PDF format will be accepted.
Poster session
All the poster presenters have to send their poster in PDF format to the organisers by 27/08/2021 (submission link to be sent by the organisers by email). All the posters in PDF will be available online in the LDK website. The name of your file should follow this pattern: LDK21-POSTER<poster_number>-<presenterlastname>.pdf. For instance, if Dr Smith is presenting the poster number 12, the file will be named as follows: “LDK21-POSTER12-Smith.pdf”
Presenters attending physically should bring the printed version of the poster with them (A1 size or less) to hang them in the indicated room prior to the poster session. They also have to bring their own laptops with them so that they can participate in the ONLINE part of the poster presentations.
The poster session will be divided in two parts:
- ONLINE poster session (17:30 – 18:15). ALL the presenters will be connected online in different Zoom rooms (one per poster), and share the screen with their poster to present it and to address any question by the audience.
- PHYSICAL poster session (18:15 – 19:00). Only physical attendants of the conference will meet in the poster’s room and interact in a more “traditional” way.
Workshop presenters
Notice that all the above is only applicable to the main conference and that every workshop organisation is free to adhere to the above recommendations or not. In any case, due to the online infrastructure, all the physical presentations will be run from the same computer in the conference room, both during the workshop and main conference, therefore it will be needed that the presentations and/or videos (if applicable) will be made available to the workshop organisers beforehand.